We wanted to remind our clients that H-1B e-registrations are now open and will remain open until noon EST on March 18th, 2022. A non-refundable $10 fee will be processed for each prospective H-1B employee and employers are prohibited from submitting more than one registration for the same prospective H-1B employee. If an employer or its attorney submits more than one registration for the same H-1B candidate in a fiscal year, all registrations for that candidate will be invalid. USCIS has created a tool this year to allow employers and their attorneys to check for duplicate registrations.
Employers will be notified no later than March 31, 2022 whether an employee’s registration is selected, and employers will have at least 90 days to file a fully prepared H-1B cap-subject petition for the employee beginning on April 1, 2022. If your employee’s registration is not selected, they will be put on a waitlist and more registrations may be randomly selected during the USCIS fiscal year.
We advise that our clients reach out to GG&W before the registration period ends to discuss prospective H-1B petitions and whether the job and the individual would qualify for an H-1B. Be prepared to discuss your expectations for processing your case and how quickly it needs to be filed if selected. Your attorney can also discuss other immigration options should your prospective employees registration not be selected.
Important Registration Dates
February 22: Employers may begin creating myUSCIS H-1B registration accounts
March 1: Registration period opens at noon Eastern Time
March 18: Registration period closes at noon Eastern Time
By March 31: USCIS conducts the lottery and electronically notifies selected registrants
April 1: Filing period begins for selected cases ONLY